
Wednesday Joy Dare

Cardinal rules, which I am clearly not following too well.
     Yesterday wasn't a complete mess.  I was flustered for a good part of the day, but I also wasn't for a good part of the day.  Here's a breakdown of the day:

6:00AM - woke up and started getting kids ready.
7:00AM - kids leave for bus.
7:30AM - go to drop Girlfriend off at preschool.
8:30AM - go home.
Boogie naps and I edit my new blog header until...
11:30AM - Go to get Girlfriend.
12:00PM - Arrive home.  Work more on the blog's buttons and such until...
2:00PM - go to get the kids from school.
2:30PM - leave to Brother-in-law's (BIL's) home.
3:00PM - Arrive at BIL's and I start dinner.
4:00PM - Kids eat and we head out for teacher conferences.
4:10PM - Pick up mom so she can hang out with the kids and I at nephew's school.
5:45PM - Bring BIL to run a few errands.

6:15PM - Head to youth group.
8:00PM - Head home and get the kids to bed.
Picture via Sugar Baking Blog
     So everything was pretty straight forward except the part where I picked the kids up for school and had the run in with Counselor Lady.  I was able to talk with BIL some about my frustrations with the whole thing and I was glad to feel supported.  It helped me overcome my anger at the time and just enjoy the rest of the evening.
     I went to make supper, but we had trouble with the stove and had to improvise.  Instead of stove-top stroganoff with noodles, it was microwaved stroganoff over fries.  But all was good, it was edible.  So then we headed out to the conferences.  It was all just hanging out with Mom and the kids in the van until we ran errands.  We pretty much just got some groceries and some gas and I dropped him back off to go to church.
     At church, I was really happy to see a new friend of the girls and her family there.  Those kids are both really friendly and adorable.  I am glad we get to see them next week too.  They seem like a really wonderful family.

     Alright, on to other things.  Yesterday's Joy Dare was 3 gifts prayed for.
     Okay, this might be tough.  Truth is, I haven't done as much praying lately as I should.  I don't know why.  But I'll try to figure this one out.
1.  Okay, number one is definitely the loss of my depression and the ability to voice my disapproval aloud.  I am so angry about the counselor issue BECAUSE I voiced my objection and was ignored.  The fact that I voiced my disapproval is completely against my nature.  I still can't tell a person to screw off, per se, or I would have yesterday.  But at least I did stand up for what I believe to begin with.  That's HUGE.  And I don't even know how I did it, one day everything was just different.  I felt different, like I was freed from some cage that I had been living in for 28 years.  This is definitely something that was prayed for for a long time and I know that it will only get better and I will only get more confident in myself.

2.  Hmmm.  I have long prayed for help.  Help with the kids, help with getting them to get along and help with being a better family.  We needed that help from someone on the outside.  And we are getting that.  That family friend (which I am going to just call Agent L from here on out to save myself the effort of describing him each time) and his wife (Coach K) have been a serious God-send with the girls and getting them to react more appropriately to anger and to work better as a team.  I've been able to breathe the past few weeks, stress levels have gone down for sure.  So I am grateful for that help.  Truly, utterly grateful.
Geo Caching
3.  I have also prayed for opportunities for my children.  I know that I won't ever be able to offer my kids the opportunities that I want to see them have.  They will never be in ballet class or gymnastics.  We won't ever go to Disney World or probably even the Drive-In.  I sign the kids up for every free thing that I can.  They have done week-long day camps, Vacation Bible Schools, Summer reading programs, Fun Park church events, a free-only family vacation (that was fun to plan), lots of other family days around the area, sports, and even a church sponsored week-away camp.  We did also try geo caching once, but came up empty-handed.  I have been blessed that my community offers so many free things for my family to do together.  The fact that we also have amazing people in our lives that can offer my kids experiences that I could only dream of offering is absolutely an answer to prayer.  This weekend Mouth will be going on an incredible trip that I would never be able to take her on myself.  And next week I will be sharing all about it.  I can't wait to find out how it goes and see all the pictures that they bring back with them.  I couldn't be more excited for her and she doesn't even know that it's going to be happening!  Blessed is an understatement.

So there it is, my Joy Dare for yesterday.  It's great to look at all the good in my life.

Until the next post when I will be undoubtedly in a better mood,


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